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Cumin Plum Salad


This recipe is a combination of a bunch of ideas including the original Kale Mish Mish (apricot) Salad we served for a time at Vega. More recently I saw a recipe on Bon Appetite for Cumin Plums and thought that sounded like a dreamy combination so I applied those flavors to the techniques in our original salad, and what you have is a delicious, filling salad (roasted chicken breast would be a very nice addition).


Recipe serves:

4 plums, stoned and cut into wedges

1 tablespoon cumin seed

3 tablespoons olive oil

salt and pepper

juice of half a lemon

1 bunch kale (I prefer lacinto), sliced finely

3 green onions, thinly sliced, green and white parts

zest of one lemon

1/2 cup crumbled feta

2 tablespoons pistachio dukkha (see recipe here)


FIrst prepare the salad by combining the kale, onions, and lemon zest.

Get a skillet hot and sautee the plums in oil, cumin, salt, and pepper until they're just starting to soften. Off the heat add the lemon juice.

Spoon the cooked plums with the pan juices over the kale, crumble in the feta and sprinkle with dukkha.