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Lavender Panna Cotta with Figs


Panna cotta will always remind me of food competitions because there seems to be a feeling that this dessert is quite tricky and can go wrong in myriad ways. Too much gelatin and it's unpleasant to eat, too little and it becomes a creamy splodge on your plate. This creation for Super Vega was a delightful success and sweetened with only honey and perfumed with lavender, a rich sweet treat. This is perfect paired with figs and pomegranate seeds. At the restaurant we also added a bit of granola for a little crunch. Play with it. Make it yours....and I promise no disasters with this combination.


Recipe serves:

1 1/3 cup whipping cream

1 1/3 cup whole milk

1 tablespoon lavender

3 tablespoons cold water

1.5 teaspoons powdered gelatin

1 1/3 cup labneh

1/3 cup honey

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

24 figs quartered

1 cup pomegranate seeds


Bring the cream, milk, and lavender just to a boil. Remove from heat and cover tightly. Steep for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the gelatin on top of the COLD water and let it bloom for 5 minutes at least. Strain the milk mixture through a fine sieve, and put the infused cream back into a saucepan. Add the gelatin with the water and bring just up to a boil again. Now remove from heat and whisk in the labneh, honey, and vanilla extract.

Lightly oil the molds/ramekins you're using with vegetable oil. Distribute the mixture evenly among each mold and chill in fridge for at least 5 hours. To serve, flip panna cotta out onto plate and arrange fruit around each one.