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Qawarma Carbonara


Carbonara has always been my go-to comfort food. I usually have all of the required ingredients on hand, it takes hardly any time to make, and nothing makes me feel better quicker. One day in Beirut I was standing staring into my fridge and was without bacon (the typical ingredient in carbonara)....and not willing to go find any. My jar of qawarma stared back at me and a love story was born.


Recipe serves:

1 egg

1 egg yolk

1/3 cup grated parmesan

black pepper

1/3 cup qawarma (see recipe in essentials)

170g linguini


Cook your linguini in salted water as directed on the package. Meanwhile add your qawarma to a saucepan on medium heat and let the fat cook away and the meat crispy up. Remove the crispy bits to a paper towel to drain. In a large bowl combine the egg, egg yolk, parmesan, and lashings of freshly ground black pepper. I like to drizzle this with a spoonful (or two) of the qawarma drippings.

Before draining the pasta, keep about 1/4 cup of the pasta water on the side. Add the drained linguini to your bowl with the eggs and toss it vigorously, adding a bit of the pasta water if you'd like to loosen it up. It's important that you work quickly so that the hot pasta cooks the eggs essentially. Throw in your cooked qawarma - you shouldn't need more salt in the dish but taste it to make sure before eating directly from the bowl.