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Tomato Basil Jam

Pickles & Preserves

There's nothing I love more than taking something that's normally associated with savory dishes and making it sweet, or vice versa. This tomato jam scented with basil is the perfect topping to my Citrus Scones or perhaps on top of Zucchini Fritters or Savory French Toast or just a delightfully plain piece of sourdough bread and butter. Be careful to watch the mixture once it's on the stove top bubbling away as it very quickly turns from liquid mess to burnt sugar on the bottom of your pot.


Recipe serves:

8 ripe tomatoes (about 1kg)

2 1/4 cup sugar

small handful of basil leaves

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

juice of 1/2 lemon


Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil. Cut out the stem of the tomatoes and then slice a shallow X in the bottom of each one. Place the tomatoes in the boiling water for about 30 seconds until their skins loosen. Remove them with a spoon and allow to cool. Once cool enough to handle slip off their skins. 

Halve the tomatoes at their equator and gently squeeze out the seeds and juice. Cut them into 1.5cm pieces. Return the tomatoes to the saucepan (without the water) and stir in the sugar, pepper, and salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently until most of the water is cooked off, about 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the lemon juice. Once cool fish out the basil leaves and spoon into a clean jar. Refrigerate.