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Tomato Water Burrata


Tomato water is such an amazing treat! It's literally just blended tomatoes that you strain through fine cheesecloth for hours. It's the very essence of sun-ripened tomatoes when you eat it and it's just the palest pink in color so it plays a bit of a game with your mind. You could use it as a base for a delicate chilled seafood soup (a canape shooter of that would be delicious) or you could simply use it with a ball of burrata like I do here and have the most decadent "caprese salad" you've tried.


Recipe serves:

1 1/2 pounds perfect end-of-summer tomatoes

1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

1/2 teaspoon sugar

salt and pepper

4 burrata balls

basil leaves and edible flowers to decorate

ground pink peppercorns

extra good olive oil (a smoked one is divine here if you can find it)


Chop the tomatoes and place them in your blender with the vinegar, sugar, and pinch of salt and pepper. Blend until smooth. Line a large strainer set over a bowl with cheesecloth and pour the tomato puree into it. Carefully gather the edges of the cheesecloth together to form a pouch and hang it somewhere over a bowl or your sink and allow it to drip for at least 3 hours. Do not try to egg it on by pressing on the bag as you will make the water cloudy. When it's done season the water with more sugar, salt and pepper to your taste and allow it to chill in the fridge before serving.

To serve place a ball of buratta in a shallow bowl and decorate it with basil leaves, pink peppercorns, and edible flowers if you like. Season with salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil (I like to use a smoked olive oil here). Pour a bit of the tomato water around the burrata. Serve with crispy baguette slices.