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Uncooked Tomato Sauce Spaghetti


Martha Stewart set me on to this kind of uncooked tomato sauce recipe many many years ago...but in typical Martha Stewart fashion has you blanching and peeling the tomatoes and seeding them which to me takes some of the ease of late-Summer cooking we're all striving for out of the equation. What I've done is grate the tomatoes which sort of automatically removes much of the skin and then ever so slightly warming the mixture in the pot I've cooked the spaghetti in just so there's a bit more emulsification and general cohesion to the finished dish. The result is an easy, flavorful weeknight dish that incorporates all of my favorite summer tastes and smells.


Recipe serves:

1.5 pounds Roma tomatoes (or whichever are smelling best to you that day)

1 yellow onion, diced very fine

2 garlic cloves, minced on a microplane

1/2 cup basil, plus some leaves for garnish

lots of salt and pepper

1/2 cup good quality extra virgin olive oil

1 pound spaghetti

2 tablespoons butter

1/2 cup grated parmesan


Grate your tomatoes into a large bowl with a box grater letting the skin go to the sides and avoiding the stem. Mix in the onion, garlic, basil, salt, pepper, and olive oil and allow this mixture to sit on your counter for at least an hour.

When you're ready to eat boil the pasta according to the package directions in lots of salted boiling water. Drain the pasta and in the same pot you boiled the spaghetti in dump the tomato mixture and cook over medium heat just until it simmers. Using tongs mix in the cooked pasta, the butter, and the parmesan and stir well. Serve with a bit more parmesan if you'd like and garnish with basil leaves.