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Winter Souk Salad



Recipe serves:

6 cups winter baby greens like kale, arugula, mustard, lolo rosso

2 avocados, cubed

2 oranges, segmented (keep the juice for the dressing)

2 blood oranges, peeled and cut into rounds

4 radishes, sliced paper thin on mandolin

4 beetroot, cooked, peeled and cubed

1 handful mixed herbs leaves (cilantro, mint, parsley)

¼ cup pistachio dukkha, recipe here

Orange Tahini Dressing

1/3 cup tahini

¼ cup fresh orange juice (from segmented oranges used above)

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar

pinch of salt

1 tablespoon date molasses

2 tablespoons water, as needed to thin out to desired consistency


Make the dressing by whisking all of the ingredients together. Then, simply combine all of the ingredients for the salad, sprinkle over some pistachio dukkha and finish with the orange tahini dressing.